Sunday, August 20, 2023


This morning the sun was shining, and it was clear with no fog for a change. Kathe and I took advantage and went for a long walk around the resort. Then it was back to the coach for me while they headed out for an adventure.

Warren likes to walk the beach looking for agates and special treasure just along the tide line.  About three miles away is the Agate Beach State Recreation Site, so they decided to dress warmly drive and drive there this morning. The beach is really wide, and you have to cross several high sand dunes to get out to the water. Jim and Warren headed south to look for treasure on the beach. Kathy T brought out her kite and was able to fly it so high that we could hardly see it in the sky. My Kathe took a photo, but Kathy and her kite are tiny specks in the picture. So, all you see here is a picture of the beach.

Next, they drove to see the Yaquina Head Lighthouse. It's a few miles up the coast from the Agate Beach. Turns out that today was the 150th birthday of the lighthouse and admission was free. They stayed and ate a snack while watching the surf and the hundreds of birds on the cliffs along the ocean.

Today is my Kathe's birthday and she has been celebrating all day. Thank you to all the friends and family who called and messaged their good wishes today. Tonight, they are all going out to a special dinner to continue celebrating.

How great is it to spend your birthday at the beach!

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