Saturday, August 19, 2023


It's cold and windy! I like the wind in my hair, but Kathe not so much. It was colder here this morning than anywhere in Canada on our last trip, especially at 4:30 in the morning. Kathe pulled out one of the down comforters for me to sleep on, and I curled up and went back to sleep till 8:30. 

The humans left here this early morning to find the Newport farmer's market. It was a very good one with lots of great produce. They came home with tomatoes, peaches, strawberries and several tasty pastries. Unfortunately, nothing that interests doggies. 

After the market they started on a quest to buy some fresh crab for dinner. They went down to the harbor area, which was very touristy, and stopped at several places without any luck. Warren wasn't going to give up until he found a shack where they were selling live crab. He was planning a crab fest for tonight and he was pleased to buy four nice big ones for dinner tonight. My blog is a little late tonight because it took so long for Kathe to finish cracking and eating almost 2 whole crabs herself. It was an early birthday treat.

The harbor area was fun, lots of little shops and restaurants. They stayed to look at all the sea lions napping on the pier. But everything was so busy and crowded that they decided to go back home in the early afternoon to get away from all the people and traffic.

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