Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Having some trouble this evening with the internet. I'm afraid I'll have to make this short.

We had another beautiful drive today up the Oregon coast, we had a few crazy turns, but arrived here a little after 2 o'clock. Our RV Park isn't exactly up to our standards, but we've stayed in worse places. Our problem was that we didn't start to plan this trip early enough in the summer, so we have to take whatever is available. On the bright side we don't have to worry about trees blocking the satellite or worry about sprinklers spraying our coach. No trees, and dead dry grass. We will make the best of it.

Oh, and we are not exactly camped in Tillamook, but Bay City. Tomorrow we will do some exploring and find the ocean, the lighthouse, and the famous cheese factory.  My humans did have a delicious fish dinner tonight at the Fish Peddler in Bay City but that's about the only exciting thing that has happened so far. This is a picture of the bay in front of the restaurant.

We are here four nights, so there's plenty of time for fun.

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