Wednesday, July 5, 2023


So hot all day today. All I want to do is nap on the cool tile floor. It was hot last night in Las Vegas and now tonight in Barstow. The only time I go outside is very early in the morning or late in the afternoon. It's so hot you burn your paws, and you run/hop back inside as soon as you can.

This is the last time I will blog for this trip. Although it wasn't the trip we expected, we did have a lot of adventures. We camped in two of the most beautiful Canadian National Parks and spent some special days traveling in Canada. We saw a grizzly bear and her two cubs, and we spotted 2 black bears along the highway. At our campsite in Jasper National Park, we had tons of elk all around us for several days. We even saw a bald eagle in a nest with chicks in Montana. Even though our trip was shorter than we planned, and Warren was hurt, and we never made it to Alaska, but all in all we had a was great time.

These last few days have not been very much fun for any of us, too much driving and not enough sleep. We miss traveling with Warren and the drive has been especially hard for Kathy T. It's much more fun when we are all together. We are already planning another trip to Alaska next summer. The Kathies are going to alter the route and skip the part of Canada that we traveled this year. Stay tuned, one thing you can count on is that it will be an adventure. 

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