Saturday, July 1, 2023


We traveled through Montana this morning and saw lots of hay being grown and stored. We wondered why we didn't see any livestock. A few miles down the highway we saw hundreds of cattle. Huge cattle ranches, one right after another. We did see some sheep, and a few heard of goats, but lots and lots of big black cattle.

Later as we crossed the border into Idaho, we saw nothing but potatoes in fields after fields. Amazing that we have been in Idaho many times and never saw potatoes growing. There sure were a lot of them.

Once we finally settled into the Buffalo Meadows RV Park, I started looking for the buffalo. Nope, nada, no such luck. What do you think I found? Tons of Fireworks! Turns out this place is on the Shoshone/Bannock reservation and there were no less than 5 giant tents selling all sorts of fireworks. I will be very happy to be somewhere else before they start celebrating the Fourth of July here. I hate fireworks and so do Bella and Gianni. 

The humans went to the casino for dinner and to throw some money away this evening. 

We leave first thing tomorrow and head to Provo, Utah. 

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