Thursday, July 1, 2021


Boy, oh boy did we have a scary night. Thunder and lightning all across the sky, all night long, and winds strong enough to send leaves and small tree branches everywhere. No rain, but Kathe and Jim were worried that lightning might strike something and cause a wild fire. This morning, it was just a memory and a mess for the Rangers to clean up.

We are leaving this State Park tomorrow and all of us really enjoyed our stay here. There are so many big and varied trees here, Maple, Ginkgo, Ponderosa Pine and even Mulberry. 

There are large grassy areas and meadows and you can always see some kind of wildlife if you look hard enough. Besides the usual chipmunk, squirrel, and raven, I've seen wild turkey families, ospreys, flocks of geese and mule deer on my walks around our camping loop.

And don't forget about the Snake River, just behind our campsite where we see boats, jet skis and all kinds of wild humans in the water! 

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