Thursday, July 15, 2021


Things are looking up today. It's really cool and quiet here and it turns out that this is a very famous historical area. This very spot was the place that Lewis and Clark met the Salish Indians in 1805 on their Journey with the Corps of Discovery. They came down the Bitterroot Mountains into the valley where we are camped today. We traveled part of the Lewis and Clark Trail from Missoula to Ross' Hole which is the name they gave to the valley.

Today my crew planned to go to the Nez Perce Historical Park, but there is a really large forest fire in the area and State Highway 43 is closed for the fire fighters. The Museum was open yesterday but the road has been periodically opened and closed to fight the fire. There is a lot of smoke in the valley and we are hoping that things change before we have to move onto the next campground in North Fork, Idaho.

Instead of a trip to the museum, they took a Jeep trip to Painted Rock State Park, about 30 miles from Sula. There's a really large lake and campground there. Unfortunately, there was so much smoke in the area the picture doesn't do it justice.

The painted rocks were colored green, yellow, and orange from the lichens growing on the black and grey rocks.

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