Monday, July 12, 2021


Unfortunately there was no fish. Unless you count the fish tacos that Warren is making for dinner tonight. Let me explain. First there was the $450 dollars for the boat rental. Next, another $350 for the two special poles and reels with lures and bait that was "almost guaranteed" to catch the 30 or 40 pound fish swimming around in Flathead Lake. Four hours on the Lake and not even a nibble!

They did, however, have a great time today on the Lake making it all worth it. The Lake is beautiful and so large it was almost like being in the ocean. In some places it was over 65 feet deep. There were some pretty big waves in the morning, but the weather was cool and the pontoon boat was really plush and comfortable. The Kathies enjoyed the sunshine, riding in the boat listening to music and reading. The guys had fun even without a that big fish to bring home.  

The fish stories that we heard from owner of the boat rental shack and the lady at the bait store made us think we were in for a big fish dinner. 

Oh well, after a couple of Margaritas, I'm sure the fish tacos will taste just as good.

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