Friday, July 30, 2021


Good thing my folks got out early this morning. Right now as I write this it is POURING rain down on us. Seems like every day around this time it starts raining. It cools everything down, but it sure is noisy on our roof.

There was a plan to bike ride this morning, but Kathe convinced everyone to go to the River Run side of mountain and take the scenic gondola ride to the top. Her thinking was that if we did that this morning, we wouldn't get caught in the rain. Good Plan! It was really a great ride to the Roundhouse area and then they took a chair lift to the tippy top. I only wish the pictures had been clearer. 

Jim and Kathe have skied this mountain several times, but it was much more intimidating without the snow. They couldn't believe it was so steep! 

When they returned to camp, everyone except Jim chickened out on the bike ride. He went alone and had a great ride, returning just as the huge raindrops were falling.

Tomorrow we head to Twin Falls, Idaho and the Massacre Rocks State Park for 2 nights.  

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