Friday, July 9, 2021


Today we had a wonderful drive from Coeur D' Alene to Polson, Montana. It was a bumpy ride and a very windy road, up and down the mountain passes, but oh, so beautiful. I know because I was standing up in my crate the whole way. That's the only way to balance yourself when the coach is swaying back and forth. 

We started out this morning on the I-90 then drove the State roads 135, 200, and 95 all of which have the dots on the map that mean they are the scenic highways.  It truly was the scenic route! Kathe tried to take pictures from the window to show you the drive, sorry that they aren't so great.

We passed lots of rivers, lakes, and pine forests all day long. We saw very few other cars. It was really a special day.

Our RV Park is very nice, the kind of place where people spend the whole summer. We are on Mountain time now here in Montana and its still light outside even through the clock says its 10:00. 

Time to get in my bed!

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