Thursday, July 8, 2021


So nice and cool here under the giant pine trees. No air conditioning needed at night, and the days are in the 80's. Our site is shaded and we are right next to a campers patio with a waterfall. It's a little crowded, but then again its summertime and everyone is traveling. 

Today was a shopping day. I wasn't invited, but I'm not much of a shopper unless we are going to Petco, where I can browse the lower shelves for treats.  They went into the town of Coeur D' Alene and walked up and down the little old town shopping area. Kathy T. is always on the look out for Christmas stuff and wasn't disappointed today. She brought home a box bigger than me! Jim and Kathe did some olive oil tasting and purchased some flavored oils and champagne vinegar for cooking. They topped off the afternoon with a Costco run, the first Costco they have seen in awhile. Not enough room in the freezer to make the trip worthwhile I'm told. As long as there is plenty of frozen chicken for me I'm a happy dog.

When they came back to the coach, Kathe and I went for a little walk. Then she talked Jim into  going down to see the Lake and taking pictures. 

They had pizza for lunch today so a little extra walking was necessary. It's really a pretty Lake and they watched people boating and swimming in the late afternoon. They even saw a baby moose! Don't think he wanted his picture taken.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Annie I thought u we’re going to say that Jim and Kathe went parasailing. Or is that tomorrow???
