Sunday, July 18, 2021


I'm going to make this short. The WIFI keeps going in and out so the faster I work the more likely I'll actually finish before it kicks me out.

Again today everyone left us doggies at home and went out to explore the many ghost towns along the Salmon River. Not much else to do around here unless you are bird and like to eat choke cherries from the trees that we're camped under. It's hot and smoky so there is no desire to go outside.

This was a gold and lead mining area and there are still remains of some of the abandoned miners cabins and machinery. The first road that they traveled was into the forest where they saw some really beautiful modern cabins before actually finding what they were looking for. They saw the remains of the Ulysses mine and some other old cabins that were falling to ruin.

Then it was back out to the River to see another mine and watch  the rafters floating down the river. The area outside of North Fork on the River was once an area inhabited by the Sheepeater Indians and there was some writing on the stone wall that was discovered recently.

They saw a bald eagle, grouse, herons, and big horn sheep along the drive. All too far away for a good picture.

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