Tuesday, July 20, 2021


This area is all about Lewis and Clark, in case you haven't been paying attention. Today, they all went on another adventure road, The Lewis and Clark Backcountry Byway. It was a 35 mile gravel road loop from Tendoy, Idaho to the Montana border and back again. All along the way there were markers that told the story of the area and the path that Lewis and Clark took in 1805. 

There was so much history on this little one lane road. At Fort Lemhi in 1855 a group of Mormons established a mission to convert and "civilize" the Shoshone, Sheepeater and Bannock Tribes. The venture failed and the remains of the Fort are still visible. There's a monument to those who died there on the top of a mountain. Farther along the road there was a hot springs on what is now BLM land. too bad they didn't bring bathing suits.

The highlights of the adventure were the many kiosk that told the tale of the Lewis and Clark adventures in the area. This is where they made contact with the Shoshone who helped them find a passage through the Lemhi Pass and the Salmon-Challis Forest.  The byway crosses the Continental Divide and there are several places where the Lewis and Clark party camped. On the Montana side of Lemhi Pass there is a beautiful memorial to Sacagawea, at the point where the Missouri River ends. 

Last night we had another  big thunderstorm with lots of rain and woke up to a blue sky for the first time in many days. It's nice not to be breathing smoke for a change! Sorry about the lack of photos tonight, it's impossible to download them without internet. 

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