Thursday, July 29, 2021


It rained again last night. Thunder and lightning and big loud rain drops on our roof.  Doesn't bother me much anymore because I can't hear a thing, but Gianni was upset all night and had to sleep in his crate. When Gianni's not happy nobody's happy, especially in the rain.

Today all the humans were supposed to go on another long bike ride. It didn't happen. My Kathe finally got an appointment to get her hair cut and Kathy and Warren needed a day of rest. Jim was planning to clean the motor home, but when he looked at the weather report that was put on hold.

The clouds were threatening again this afternoon, but everyone was tired of sitting around so they came up with a plan to visit the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. It was very small compared to some of the botanical gardens in California, only about 5 acres. It was quiet and peaceful. Beautiful native and cultivated plants that thrive in the high altitude, and a small stream complete with tiny trout. 

It started to rain again this afternoon, so it was back to camp for everyone. More thunder and lightning and rain now off and on, looks like it will be another noisy night.

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