Saturday, July 31, 2021


It's official we are now driving South. So that means that we are starting the drive back home. It's not over yet, we still have several more adventures, but it's always a little sad when you realize you are headed back home.

Today when we left Sun Valley it was just starting to rain, again but for the rest of the drive we didn't see any more rain. Just lots of clouds and plenty of corn fields.  Lots of cornfields! 

We pulled into Massacre Rocks State Park about 2:00 but it took a very long time for us to get set up in our site. Both of our sites were so unlevel that Warren and Jim really had to pull out all the blocks and chocks to make it work. At least the wine bottles aren't rolling off the counter, but we are a still a little tippy.

No matter, both sites have great views of the Snake River and there are lots of trails and places to explore. This picture is taken from our site number 34. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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