Monday, July 5, 2021


Okay, I think we have seen it and or done it all here in Blanchard, Idaho. Today I kept trying to get these people to do something today, anything! If they don't do anything, I have nothing to report.

I've been napping all day. This afternoon Jim was napping, Warren was napping, and Kathy T. was trying to get her work done all day, but the internet wasn't cooperating. My Kathe got so frustrated after sitting in the lounge chair reading all day that she took the car keys and drove to the lake for a picture. Jim didn't even realize she was gone!

At about 5:00 the Kathies went to the pool with some cocktails and noodled around for about an hour.  They had the pool all to themselves before they were told that the pool would be closed for the next two days. Seems some people were in the pool yesterday in street clothes and now the pool water has phosphates and has to be drained.

There is some talk about a bike ride tomorrow, Kathe wants to show them the Lake but we will see...   

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