Tuesday, July 27, 2021


What a bunch of lazy lumps! Here we are in beautiful Sun Valley Idaho and everybody sleeps in this morning! The original plan was for an early bike ride today, but the weather didn't cooperate. Drizzle, not too bad, just wet enough to spoil the plan.

Dithering around. A trip to the market, a trip to the hardware store, a few phone calls, a few loads of wash, and then it was too late to do anything but eat lunch. My Kathe found a restaurant called, Raspberry, in Ketchum where they had a very delicious lunch. After that, they drove to the Sun Valley Farmers Market at the base of the mountain, but they were so late, most of the good stuff was already sold out.

So, they just drove around the Sun Valley area to see the Ski mountain and all the little shops in town. Here is a picture of the lifts on the Warm Springs side and a look at the river on the River Run side. 

We got back to camp just as the sun finally came out at 5:00 and Jim decided to check out the bike path for tomorrow. Do you think we need to start setting the alarm clock?

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