Thursday, July 22, 2021


Funny name for a beautiful place. We are about half way between Challis and Stanley Idaho right on the Salmon River. There are only about 12 sites here and we have one right on the cliff overlooking the river. 

Our drive today was on highway 93 and 75 on the route called the Salmon River Scenic Byway. And scenic it was! Steep canyon walls with large ranches in the valley, all following along the Salmon River. It was a really awesome drive, with many crazy turns. 

Once we checked in they camp host warned us about the wolves and mountain lions that come through the campground in winter. Lots of scary pictures, enough to keep me indoors. We have to keep our humans on a leash when we go outside just to be safe.

The first picture is the view from our site looking up the River. There are supposed to be lots of fish in this river. The other picture is one of the many canyons were drove through to get here.

Jim and Warren bought 5 day fishing licenses. Keeping our paws crossed for a fish dinner! 

1 comment:

  1. Did you by any chance see Reds Lake??? So beautiful! I know it’s in Stanley… huge and beautiful! Great hiking!
