Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Our drive today was a long one, made even longer by the huge traffic jam in Missoula. We stopped for fuel and then when we got back on Highway 93 we spent about 30 minutes in bumper to bumper traffic. Kathe and Warren found a way around all the cars eventually because it looked like we would be stuck there for an hour. Finally we picked up some speed. Nerves were frazzled, but we came out on the right side of town and headed South. 

We are camped here in Sula, Montana which is a little more than a wide spot on the highway along the Bitterroot River. 

Kathe and I went out for a short walk and she was rewarded with two mosquito bites. Then after rubbing repellant all over herself she went out to take a couple of pictures for me. After a mosquito bit her on the forehead, she was back inside for good. Jim and Warren are setting up the "She Shack" right now to keep us from getting bit tonight.

The campground (they shouldn't  call it a "Resort") is very rustic. There is a  store and a restaurant, and a little fishing pond but not much else. The River is really beautiful and all, but our site is mostly gravel and dirt and Jim is having a fit every time some one drives by and throws dust in the air.  Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me every night, the Wi-Fi here is almost nonexistent. Should be an interesting three days!!

1 comment:

  1. So The Bitteroot Valley does exist!
    A song made popular by John Denver!!
    “Oh Montana” great song … greater lyrics … tells a story!!!
