Sunday, August 1, 2021


I am soaking wet! Kathe just took me out for a walk and it's pouring rain. It's really coming down with thunder and lightning all over the place.  

Today we learned that there never was a massacre here, just a few Indian attacks at Devil's Gate, and that's about a mile and a half away. The ranger told us the name is just for the tourists. There is no historical mention of a place called Massacre Rocks in any of the diaries of the people who traveled the Oregon Trail. Highway 86 passes right through the Devil's Gate. It's the photo with the two rock formations. In August of 1862 several wagon trains were attacked in that area.

All four of my humans hiked to two historic places here in the State Park. The first place they went this morning was a place where you can still see the ruts made by the wagons passing through this area on the Oregon Trail. It was about a mile and a half walk outside of the park, but they finally found what they were looking for and took this picture. 

After that, they drove to a place called "Register Rock" which was a place where emigrants carved their names into a large rock. There's a fence around the site to protect it, but the carvings are very clear to this day.  

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