Saturday, August 7, 2021


This morning I woke my Kathe up at 3:00AM with a little case of dire rear.  The air was so smoky that I could hardly see my paw in front of my face. The sun was coming up bright red and we knew it wasn't going to be a great day. After some medicine, I felt a whole lot better but Kathe never did get back to sleep.

By the time we had breakfast we knew that it wasn't going to clear up today. It wasn't the day for strenuous exercise. There was just too much smoke from the big fire in California. The weather report says that the air quality will be smoky for the next two days. So, great photos were not in the cards today. The bike ride and hike to the Queens Garden Trail was cancelled. 

Instead Jim drove them to the tippy top of Bryce Canyon to Yovimpa Point so they could take a mile long hike to the Bristlecone Loop. The Bristlecone tree can live for thousands of years, and they are some of the oldest trees on the planet. They were very unusual looking, but quite a treat to see. The hike wasn't easy, but well worth the effort.

Later, on the way back down to the exit, they stopped at Natural Bridge to take a photo. Kathe wanted to show you the smoke in the background, visibility wasn't great, isn't the Bridge beautiful. Hopefully by Monday it will be clear enough for some better pictures.

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