Thursday, August 12, 2021


Zion National Park has become so popular they don't allow private automobiles into the Park. Today Warren decided to take his Jeep up over the canyon and through the two tunnels connecting Zion to Highway 89. In the past, we were able to take the road through this tunnel in our motor home. Now, there are new height and length restrictions make that impossible with our big motor homes. You also need to pay for an escort if they allow you to drive your motor home in the tunnel.

Anyway, with the Jeep they were able to drive  up above Zion and through the tunnels for some spectacular views. Unfortunately, these pictures don't really do justice to the view. But, it was a really fun drive. The internet is not letting Kathe transfer most of the pictures to the I-Pad, but here are a couple that she took with her phone.

After that adventure, they drove up to Kolob Canyon, about 20 miles north on Highway 15 to see the Visitors Center, which turned out to be closed! They continued up the 5 mile scenic drive to the top of the canyon for yet one last view of these fabulous red rock viewpoints.

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