Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Yesterday everyone was so disappointed at the number of humans here in Zion National Park. I found out that this park has more visitors each year than Yellowstone. Zion is the second most popular park in the system. That's why it was so crowded! My humans almost didn't want to go back there today.

Cooler heads prevailed and they set a plan in motion.  By 1:00 our campground was empty, I guess they all left for home. My humans decided to drive up to the park and see if the crowds had diminished. They lucked out!  They found a parking space at the visitors center and jumped right on the first shuttle.

Of course there were still lots of other people, but not nearly as many as yesterday. At the first shuttle stop, Court of the Patriarchs, they were the only people who walked to the top to take a picture. Due to the recent flooding and Covid, some of the shuttle stops have been eliminated, but they were able to stop at the historic lodge before heading to the Temple of Sinawava and the Riverside Walk. 

Of course the Riverside Walk was very busy, because everyone wants to walk in the river to see the Narrows. I'm very proud of my humans, even though they didn't get into the water, they walked all the way in 104 degree heat to the very end of the Riverside Walk and back. Of course tonight there is a lot of moaning going on, but they had a great afternoon.

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