Monday, August 2, 2021


Well, it's not exactly Rome, we are in Ogden, doing what the Ogdenites do. That is, eating at the Burger Bar, a Guy Fieri Triple D restaurant.  It's a drive-in hamburger joint that has been a family business here since 1956. From what I understand the Ben Burger is the size of a small Frisbee, and you had to eat it in your car. Don't have to tell you that no dogs were allowed on this culinary adventure. I don't think that they will  be going back, but there were lots of people lined up to enjoy their dinner in the parking lot!

The drive to Ogden was long, and boring. Not much to see but fields of sage brush and then lots of corn fields. Of course it rained off and on, but we are getting used to that. As we got closer to Ogden we saw lots of mountains and lots of gray clouds. It's warm and dry here but it feels so different to be in a big city with so much traffic after spending so many quiet days in Idaho. 

Getting here was a challenge, Warren and Kathy got a chip in their windshield, and we almost had an accident when a car came close to crashing into us just as we were turning into the RV park. Just relaxing tonight resting up for tomorrow. We have another long drive south to Fillmore, Utah. 

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