Sunday, August 8, 2021


Because the smoke was starting to clear up a bit this morning, the bike riders were ready to go! There is a great bike path that starts across the street from Ruby's RV camp and goes all the way up into the Park to Inspiration Point. The guys rode the whole 10 mile trip and the girls were able to complete an 8 mile round trip. That's the longest that my Kathe has ridden in forever. They said that it was a great ride, and they may just do it again tomorrow, weather and smoke permitting.  Seems that my Kathe has finally figured out how to use her electric bike.

After lunch, Warren drove them all the way to Escalante Grand Staircase National Monument which was about 60 miles from Bryce. The scenery was beautiful the whole way. More tall red rock formations and lots of ranches and farm land in between along the highway. They stopped at the Great Staircase-Escalante Visitors Center but due to Covid restrictions there wasn't much to see.

They stopped on the way back to Bryce at Petrified Rock State Park to reminisce a little. Both couples have stayed at this Park when they had smaller motor homes. Kathe and Jim remember sliding down the red rocks in a rain storm way back when. Their sneakers never did come clean from that escapade.

They all have reservations tonight at the Cowboy Dinner Show, but us doggies will stay home. 

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