Sunday, August 15, 2021


We left our friends this morning and after waving goodbye and wiping away our tears, we headed for home. Jim and Kathe couldn't drive all the way home from Las Vegas in one day so we are staying tonight in the Barstow KOA. Oh, what a difference from last night at the Luxury Motor Coach Resort in Vegas.

It's 105 degrees and we are looking out our window at the cars zooming past us on the I-15. Nothing else here but dirt, dessert willows, and dying oleanders. Jim checked the temperature coming out of the cold water faucets and it's 101 degrees, which should make our morning showers fun! 

We have enjoyed two months of exciting adventures in some wonderful places. We traveled all through Idaho, Montana, and Utah, staying in private, State and National campgrounds. Truly an awesome trip, but I think that my favorite place of all had to be Bryce Canyon. I'm getting up there in dog years, so I'm not the explorer that I once was, but I can still chase a bird or chipmunk with the best of them. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and tomorrow I'll be back home, dreaming of the adventures I've had this summer and planning for next year.

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