Friday, August 13, 2021


We really are on the way home now. Spending the next two nights here at the Las Vegas Motor Coach Resort, and then we will be on our way home.

We said goodbye to the red rocks and drove through the most awesome canyon. The walls of the Virgin River Canyon were so high that Kathe couldn't even get a good picture of it. This picture is Warren and Kathy driving in their motor home front of us through the canyon. It's hard to believe that this canyon was carved by the Virgin River millions of years ago and today it's just a muddy stream.

It's extremely hot here, 114 degrees! The Resort is beautiful, but who cares. Good thing we have 3 air conditioners, because they are all running at once. It's too hot to do anything! This afternoon my humans went on an adventure to the Cesar's Forum Shops. Big Adventure! It was sort of like a hike, only with a million people walking in every direction. Culture shock.

Did I tell you that the time changed too, I think they were trying to starve me, but I kept begging until Kathe finally gave in and made me my dinner on Utah time. I'll have a little surprise for her tomorrow morning, breakfast at 3:30 AM!

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