Friday, August 8, 2014

The Wild Life

I drove Kathe crazy today.  I must have begged her 10 time to take me outside to check out the wildlife.  I start crying like I need to go out and then as soon as I get outside I chase every chipmunk I see.  Boy, she sure gets mad!  I managed to get within 2 inches of a couple of them today.  I chase them all the way to their homes and I am really having FUN!

Jim went for a long bike ride today and took this picture of Mount Baker.  Near as I can tell Kathe did nothing today.

We ran into our friends Cheryl, Ken, and Little Girl last night.  They were taking a walk in the campground after dinner and recognized our coach.  They drove to Crater Lake today and then Kathe and Jim met them for dinner tonight at the Diamond Lake Lodge.

The Internet is really acting up tonight and I better quit while I am ahead.  Tomorrow we will be in the Bend/Sisters area and meeting up with all of our Komfort Kruiser friends.

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