Monday, August 18, 2014

Beautiful Detroit

No, not Michigan.  Oregon!

We had a beautiful 2 hour drive today from Sisters to Detroit Lake State Park.  Miles and miles of pine forests, then down into a valley with a huge lake.  Once we arrived at the park, we had a difficult time backing into our narrow site and Jim lost Kathe for a time.  You see, there was this tree in the way and he grabbed it and told Kathe to pull it away from the coach and stay there.  In order to keep the coach from being scratched and do what was needed, she was stuck so far back into the shrubbery that he couldn't see her.  Then, he was walking all around looking for her,  and Kathe yelled, "Hey, what are you doing, I 'm still stuck in the bushes!"  He forgot that she still holding the tree away from the side of the motor home. Anyway, we finally got into the space and here is a picture of the site with our motor home and car squeezed together.

We had a really nice day exploring the campground.  There are lots of tents and lots of families enjoying the campground and the lake.  We were one of the many campers that had a campfire after dinner.  Not that we needed the heat, it's still plenty hot and humid.  Hoping that it will cool down now that it's time to sleep.

Apparently we can't run the air conditioning as we only have a 20 amp site.  It's either the air conditioner or the refrigerator and they chose the refrigerator.

Tomorrow Kathe and Jim are going to rent a party boat with their friends so that Jim can drown some more worms.  I can't go because I don't have a life jacket.  Bummer!

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