Monday, August 11, 2014

Rolling on the River

Kathe says she's way too tired tonight to help me with my blog.  She says she had a rough day, but I know she was out having too much fun today and that she had one too many margaritas tonight.

The rooster woke us all up at 4:23 this morning, but they all had to get up early for their river raft adventure anyway.  A whole bunch of the people went on an all day rafting trip on the Deschutes river.  They were picked up at 8:30 this morning and didn't get home until 6:00 tonight.  Some of the rapids were class 3 so I guess it was pretty exciting.

The river was over 100 miles away so it was a very long, long day.

I spent the day with my friend Layla and her people and got to play with her toys and sleep in her bed. Great day for everyone!

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