Tuesday, August 26, 2014

No Service No Blog

I tried and tried last night to post to my blog but I never could connect to the Internet.  I fell asleep trying, so I'll try to bring you up to speed on our activities tonight.

Yesterday,  we were still at Richardson County Park in Lane County Oregon, formerly known as Nowheresville, Oregon.  I took Kathe and Jim exploring to the other loop of the campground and found some blackberries and poison oak for them. We also took a long walk part of the way around Fern Ridge Lake.  Our campsite backed up to this lake, and we walked through the woods to find the trail.  That was the best part of my day.

Kathe and Jim went for a drive in the country that afternoon and discovered a winery called "Sweet Cheeks" in the town of Crow, Oregon. They tasted the Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris that this area is known for and had a picnic on the grounds overlooking the vineyards.
This morning we left early to drive down some really bumpy and winding country roads to reach our destination of the Seven Feathers Resort in Canyonville, Oregon.  Somebody thought it would be nice to drive country roads instead of the freeway, all I'm saying is I'm glad they fastened my crate with the seat belt or I might not have made it.

We've been here at Seven Feathers before and we really love it.  When we arrived, Kathe forgot where the doggie park was but I remembered and led her right to it.  Some things are worth remembering!

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