Sunday, August 17, 2014

High Desert Sunrise

We left the Deschutes County Fairgrounds today as the Convention has ended.  Five days of dry camping and we didn't run out of water! The title of our International Convention this summer was "High Desert Sunrise".  Here is a picture that was taken this morning on my 6:00 sunrise walk. There was a joke going around that they were going to call the convention "High Desert Sunset",  but that since there are mostly seniors attending, that wasn't such a good idea.

I have come to the conclusion that it is very hard to post to my blog when I'm traveling with my friends. There is always something fun to do and I never get started on my blog until late at night.

Today we all went back to the Bend/Sisters Garden RV Resort to regroup.  Since all five coaches needed to dump, fill up with water, grocery shop and do laundry everyone was busy this afternoon with their chores.   Not too busy for a quick happy hour before leaving for dinner.

They managed to squeeze in my trip to the dog park before happy hour, but that was the extent of my activities. Truthfully, I was glad for the rest.  With all the comings and goings, pot lucks, cocktail hours, and visiting around the past few days, I've really missed my naps.

All six couples went to the famous Pine Tavern in Bend for dinner, and not one person remembered to bring home a doggie bag.

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