Thursday, August 7, 2014

Into the Wild (again)

We just arrived at Diamond Lake, Oregon about an hour ago.  We were here about 7 years ago and it doesn't even seem like the same place.  Of course I was only two year old when we were here last but there are three times as many RV sites and about half as many trees in the resort.  Don't worry, the chipmunks are still here and I think things are going to be just fine. 

Last time we were here they had just drained the lake due to an invasive species that was sucking all the oxygen out of the water.  There were dead fish all over the place, but things are back to normal now and I can't believe how much bigger the Lake looks with water in it.  They say there are huge trout and bass waiting to be caught.  Keep your paws crossed, maybe Jim will catch one.

There is an eleven mile bike path all the way around the Lake and Kathe and Jim are going to try that tomorrow.  It's going to be a busy day as Jim says they are going fishing too!  We're here for only two days so I guess we have to squeeze as much as we can.

We drove up on the scenic highway 138 following the Umpqua River winding back and forth until we reached the Lake at an altitude of 5000 feet.  It's much cooler up here.

Hamburgers tonight if Jim finishes cleaning the motor home before it gets too dark.

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