Wednesday, July 31, 2024


The rain has finally stopped and this today we actually saw the sun. My Kathe took me out this morning for a walk wearing a short-sleeved shirt a capris. Immediately she returned to the coach and changed into long pants and a ski vest. Not exactly summer when the temperature is barely 60 degrees.

Today the humans had a busman’s holiday. You would think with all the driving they have done this past month that they might want to stay home and relax like Gianni, Bella and me. Nope. Today they drove over 50 miles one way to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. It’s a non-profit center dedicated to aiding wildlife.  Once there, they drove and walked the 1.5-mile loop and were able to view wildlife in large enclosures. They were able to see several bears, moose, bison, caribou, and elk in grassy fields. There were also smaller enclosures for porcupines, fox, lynx, and coyotes.  Trying to get good pictures of all the animals was a challenge, but they had a great time outdoors today in the sunshine. 

The drive to the Wildlife sanctuary was along the scenic Turnagain Arm, a coastline where several glaciers could be seen. They stopped in the area of the Portage Valley which was formed by several glaciers. The main attraction was the Portage Glacier which is ten stories high. They also walked along a trail to the Chugach National Forest Visitors Center. There they saw some very informative exhibits that explained how the area was formed by the movement of the glaciers.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Another rainy night in Anchorage.  We’re happy to be here as this park has all the amenities except for 50amp power. After our stay in Denali, we had lots of dirty clothes and not enough water for laundry.  So, this morning both Kathies were washing piles of clothes.

After lunch the humans went on a fishing expedition.  They drove to the William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery. It was a really interesting. There are over 100 tanks here for rearing over 6 million fish every year.  The self-guided tour began on a footpath where they could view adult salmon in Ship Creek. Returning Chinook and coho are collected and held in the creek so the staff can collect eggs from these fish to begin the next production cycle. The eggs are hatched and are pumped into tanks to grow.  When mature the fish are released to sites all over the state of Alaska.  They raise the salmon and also rainbow trout and Arctic char using a recirculating aquaculture system. There was a very informative area above the tanks with various videos and charts explaining the whole amazing process. 

There was also a gallery of art in the building. Hanging fish sculptures, stained glass murals, and metal sculptures decorated the walls between the large glass windows that looked into the various tanks teaming with fish.

After seeing the harvesting of salmon eggs Jim and Kathe wanted to have their picture taken with the eggs.

Monday, July 29, 2024


Today we reached Anchorage. We drove five hours in the pouring rain, and it was so foggy that we could barely see anything but the road ahead of us. So, no great pictures today, and really nothing to blog about. We’re all just too tired from the drive.

I sat on Kathe’s lap and slept and watched the rain and the windshield wipers all day long. Finally, when we reached Anchorage, the rain stopped long enough to get set up in our campsite. Golden Nugget RV and Trailer Village is home for the next five nights.  It’s nothing special but there is a slice of grass on either side of the coach. So much better than the wet dirt and gravel we’ve been dealing with at the last three sites.

Don’t worry, tomorrow the sun will come out and I’ll have something to write about. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024


Finally, the sun is shining, and the rain has stopped here in Denali. Perfect day for the humans to take a hike! We have been here now for five days and seen as much of the park that is accessible. The park is vast, but only a small portion of the 6 million acres is available to the public. On the bus tour there were sightings of animals, but so very far away that we don’t have pictures, only memories.

Today they chose a hike along the Savage River at mile 15, the farthest point drivable by personal vehicles. There were lots of people out today enjoying the nice weather and hiking this moderate 2-mile trail along the Savage River. Kathe took this picture, one of many beautiful sights on both sides of the river.

On the way back down the park road the cloud cover revealed a portion of Denali Mountain. Still not a great picture, but at least they saw the mountain. The snowy peak in the middle of the picture in the “U” between the two mountains is Denali. Really!

After lunch and a quick walk in the sunshine for me they drove into the town of Denali. Big hotels for Princess and Holland America, and lots of souvenir shops. Not much new here, hats T-shirts and stuff they could live without. Tomorrow, we head to Anchorage which will be a 237-mile drive. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024



Still raining, still cold. We are trying not to let the miserable weather get us down. I think I am the only one in the family that likes to walk in the rain. Maybe it’s a problem that I like it too much. Since I can’t walk myself, and I need a human at the other end of my leash, going outside 3 times a night is really only fun for me.

Today the humans drove back into the park to the Visitors Center.  They watched two really good movies. The first film was all about the changes of seasons in the park. Lots of beautiful pictures of the animals and birds that are here year-round. The second movie was about the sled dogs that have been used here in by the rangers since 1917. Some areas of the park are still not accessible in winter without the use of sled dogs.

Later they took a shuttle bus to the dog kennels and listened to a ranger talk about the program about raising and training the huskies to be used here in the park. There was a demonstration where the dogs showed how they liked pulling a sled on wheels. Those dogs sure were happy and really wanted to run!

This evening, they went to a dinner theater show at a nearby hotel. The show was great, and the dinner was delicious. Lots of singing and dancing all about Alaska gold rush days.

Friday, July 26, 2024


It's raining and very foggy today, so it looks like you’re still not going to get a picture of the famous mountain.
Goodness knows what mountain Kathe took a picture of yesterday, but it sure wasn’t Denali. Today they learned that in summer there is only a 5% chance of being able to see it from the park. This park is so big, over 6,075,030 acres and the roads are not accessible to much of it. So, forget about a picture of Denali for now. Maybe we will see it on the way to Anchorage.

The humans got up early this morning to take a park transit bus. Private vehicles are only allowed into the park on the first 15 miles of the park road, and if you want to see more of the park you have to buy a bus ticket. The tour they chose was a 4 1/2 tour that took them up 43 miles to the East Fork.  Some of the road was paved, but most of it was gravel. They were very happy that they decided to take the tour as they learned a lot about the history and the preservation of this grand park. On the bus ride they saw some wildlife.  The driver spotted a baby moose in the middle of the road and pointed out some caribou, a grizzly bear, big horn sheep, and a mother red tailed fox with her kits. Unfortunately, everything was too far away to get pictures, but it was amazing that that many animals are here in the park.

Kathe took this picture of the Talkeetna River, a swift glacier river that runs through the park. Jim is trying to get someone interested in a float trip while we are here. It’s raining again tonight and cold, so I don’t think that’s going to happen. I don’t mind the rain one bit, but I’m the only one.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better as there is so much more to see here.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Another long and bumpy drive today from North Pole/Fairbanks to Denali National Park. We saw lots of mountains along the way but none were Denali. We checked into Denali Grizzly Bear Resort at about 3 o’clock and got set up in our sites for the next four nights. I did some exploring first thing and there are good smells all around, but maybe that was just the food trucks.  Still didn’t see Denali Mountain.

The humans reserved tickets for a bus tour tomorrow and drove the as far into the park as allowed in the Jeep. They turned into a pull out along the road which had a sign that read “Mountain View.” Nope, couldn’t see it for the trees. Diving a little father to the turn around point they saw a partial view and took this picture. Maybe the sky will clear, and they will be able to get better pictures on the tour tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


I warned you. I knew that they were going back to North Pole to the see the Christmas store. It was a giant store filled from end to end with all things Christmas. Lots of ornaments, bells, stockings, snow globes, and complete collection of Dickens villages. They also had a real Santa Claus sitting on a throne waiting for someone to sit on his lap. Lots of candy and fudge and many decorated Christmas trees around the store. There were several photo opportunities. Here’s the picture my humans took with some snow people. 

If you are interested in the outcome of the air conditioner repair, the operation was successful, but the patient died. The air conditioner came on briefly and everyone was excited and happy. Unfortunately, even though it was working it wasn’t cooling. Now the search was on to find a replacement air conditioner here in Alaska. Too bad there are so many motor homes here in Alaska that all the RV repair people are too busy to help. Also, it will take several days to even find a replacement air conditioner. Kathy and Warren are worried that when we start down to California it will be too hot in their coach for the doggies.

They put their heads together and decided that maybe a portable air conditioner might work in the meantime. So back to Costco this afternoon to purchase a unit that might do the trick. We shall see.

Tomorrow, we leave for Denali for the next four days. We have a lot planned so stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


That’s right, North Pole. Not the real Pole but the town right down Badger Highway from Fairbanks is North Pole, Alaska. Yes, there is a Santa Land there but more about that tomorrow.  For me the days are all starting to blend together, walks around the campground and napping are my specialties. 

Today my Kathe got her haircut after seven weeks on the road. She probably won’t need another for a while because she got scalped. The alternative is wearing a ball cap.

The fix-it men were on the job most of the afternoon trying to repair one of the Taylors air conditioners. The temperature here today was 87 degrees, and Jim was trying to figure out how to replace a capacitor without getting a shock. After a while they decided it was too hot to work on the roof and they will continue the job tomorrow morning when it’s cooler. Keep your paws crossed that that all goes well.

One of trip advisor's top things to do here was the Pagoda Chinese Restaurant. Didn’t I tell you that things here are a bit strange? Well, this restaurant serves so much food that they give the patrons a giant doggie bag to take home the leftovers. It was very crowded with families, definitely the place to eat in North Pole.

Monday, July 22, 2024


While I was sleeping comfortably in the motor home today everyone else was running around town with errands. First thing this morning Jim took the Jeep into the dealer to see if there was something wrong that might be causing the wobble issue. They had all day to do the work but never even started on it until about an hour before closing. Bottom line, they couldn’t find anything mechanical that was causing the wobble. They suggested a wiring kit that upon further investigation is not applicable to our Jeep. 

Meanwhile, the Kathies both had issues with trying to get prescription medication here in Fairbanks. Note, if you have an HMO, you won’t be able to get medication from a clinic. Kathy T spent half the day in the emergency room of the hospital just to get her prescription. My Kathe had another issue. Her doctor called a prescription into the Walgreens here in town. Only problem was that they didn’t have it in stock. It took the whole day to sort that one out. She finally picked up her pills at about 7 PM tonight at Fred Meyers.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and they can get back to having some fun here in Fairbanks. The KOA is really nice, we have super sites, although our neighbors are so close that we have to duck under their awning to walk in the morning. This is a picture of the Lake here in the campground. Happily, there are no mosquitoes to worry about as the temperature today was 85 degrees. In Alaska!

Sunday, July 21, 2024


All about the drive today. Long enough drive to make everyone tired tonight. I wish they knew how to make a straight road without potholes and gravel patches here in Alaska. We’re staying in a typical KOA campground tonight. Lots of caravan people around who are willing to share their experiences with us. Should be a nice four day stay here as there are both a Fred Meyer and a Costco here. We haven’t seen those stores since we left the USA. A picture here of the Paxton Lake and one from the drive on Richardson Highway showing the pipeline.

We spent an unrestful night at the BLM campground last night. You should have seen my Kathe in her getup last night. Scared of bears and dressed all in black with mosquito netting on her head.  The young couple camped across from us were laughing as they carelessly left all of their food on the picnic table and slept outside in a hammock. Mosquitos were relentless, they love Warren no matter what kind of spray he uses.

As we drove to Fairbanks, we followed the path of the Trans Alaska Pipeline which runs from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez a distance of 800 miles. The pipeline is 48 inches in diameter and can be seen from the highway as more than half it is above ground to prevent the hot oil from melting the permafrost. It was the world’s largest privately funded construction project at cost 8 billion dollars in 1974-77.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


We left Valdez this morning and headed towards Fairbanks on the Richardson Highway.  It was an okay drive, a few gravel spots and some potholes but we dodged most of the bad stuff. The scenery certainly changed.  No more glaciers, just a few mountain tops with some snow, but everything was green. Trees and vegetation as far and high as the eye could see.

We didn’t have a reservation for tonight, but we were planning to stop here at Paxton Lake campground and hopefully score a site on the BLM land.  Little did we know that the campground was a mile and a half from the road. Yes, a long road of gravel and dust. Jim is upset that the jeep is covered in a light gray powder, and no car wash in sight!

It took a very long time to find the right site and to get level. Some tree trimming was involved but we finally got set up in a really pretty spot. Unfortunately, Gianni and Bella are camped on the other side of the campground.

None of the humans wanted to walk across the campground in the mosquito infested areas, so we had dinner on our own tonight. This is a picture of the view from the front of our motor home tonight.

Only here for tonight before driving to Fairbanks in the morning. If the bears don’t get us first!

Friday, July 19, 2024


Finally, the sun came out. We’ve been here for four days and when it wasn’t raining it was drizzling. It was foggy and cool, but we made the best of it. Today was the best day ever. We woke up to the clear blue sky and bright sunlight and planned to make the most of it.

We started the day at the Valdez Annex Museum where they had an exact replica of old town Valdez. We learned earlier that the old town was completely destroyed and abandoned after the 9.2 earthquake in 1964. The model town was to scale and took up most of the floor space in the museum. Very Interesting. 

Next, they decided to drive to the site four miles out of town where the original town was located. Here’s a picture of what was left of the original pier before the earthquake and fire. There were signs in the area showing where certain buildings were located.

Later in the day they stopped at the fish hatchery to watch the sea lions catching salmon as the fish dropped down into the bay from a stream above. The sea lions grabbed the fish so quickly that no one was able to take a picture as they gobbled up fish after fish. It made Jim and Warren envious, and they contemplated getting a fishing license for the day. Didn’t happen!

In the late afternoon they drove to see the Valdez Glacier. Beautiful area, but the glacier is almost gone. The photo shows the small lake below the glacier for kayaking around the ice chunks, but it’s not the fantastic glacier it once was.

Tomorrow, we start the drive to Fairbanks. We don’t have a reservation so we will be winging it for the night near the town of Paxton. Hopefully we will stay on BLM land for the night.

Tonight, the cocktail moratorium was temporarily lifted and the Kathie’s enjoyed a Coco Loco martini.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Longest day of my life. Kathe and Jim left this morning for an all-day Wildlife and Glacier cruise on a small ship called the LuLu Belle. They left me in charge of the motor home at 10:00 this morning and didn’t get home until 8:00. Let me just say that I am a very good doggie!

Here’s what I know about the cruise. They were the last to board the ship so were able to sit in the wheelhouse with the captain. They had the best view.  They saw many sea lions along the coast. There were otters in the water everywhere swimming on their backs close to the boat. Some were even lying on some of the ice blocks floating in the sea. Kathe spotted three bald eagles in the pine trees. The captain drove the boat right into two large rock caves where they were able to see tiny little puffins.

Then when they were further out to sea, they spotted a humpback whale and two babies. They watched them for a long time but only got pictures of whale tails and blow spouts. But it was very exciting to be so close to them for such a long time.

The highlight of the trip of course was seeing the Columbia Glacier up close.  The captain sailed through the chunks of ice, small icebergs, that were floating all around the boat. He pulled the boat very close to the Glacier that it was a little scary. Cruising between icebergs is nerve racking.

If that wasn’t enough, they also sailed west to another part of the same Glacier which was also in the middle of chunks of ice. By the time they backed away from that Glacier they were ready to get back on land.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


It wasn’t raining this morning. The sun was actually shining and the fog lifted above the mountains.  A great day for driving out to see the waterfalls and the glaciers. They piled into the jeep and drove back north on the Richardson Highway to take some pictures of the waterfalls and glaciers. They took a picnic lunch and had a terrific afternoon.

The scenery here is so amazing and photographs can’t really tell the whole story. Here are some pictures that they took today of the Worthington Glacier and two of the larger waterfalls along the side of the highway. They tried to make the best of it with their cell phones. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


It’s been raining nonstop since we arrived. The fog is in, and it is definitely Alaska weather. I like the rain but unfortunately, I can’t go out by myself and trying to get Kathe to take me out is really a pain. She’s very grumpy when wet.

Today because it was so cold and rainy no one wanted to do much. First stop was the Safeway market. We haven’t seen one of those on our trip since we left. They were fully stocked but the prices were 3 times what we would pay back in California. Jim’s Eggo pancakes were $9.49 for a box which normally would be $3.99. A shocker, but everything has to be shipped here so I guess that’s the reason things are so expensive.  Good thing we are only here for a few days.

Later after a tour of the town of Valdez they stopped at the Valdez Museum.  It was excellent and there were many exhibits about the culture and the people who settled here. There were two exhibits about the historic events that the town was known for. One area was devoted to Exxon oil spill and how the people and the environment have been affected by it. The area still has not completely recovered from the disaster. The other very interesting exhibit included a film about the 9.2 earthquake and tsunami in 1964. After the devastating earthquake the entire town had to be destroyed and another completely new Valdez was created four miles away.

Monday, July 15, 2024


Extremely long drive today from Tok all the way to Valdez. It took six hours to get here but it was well worth it. The road was much better than we expected with fewer frost heaves and gravel areas. There were even some areas with fresh pavement. We drove over 250 miles which was very tiring for all of us. The scenery here is like nothing we have ever experienced.

We are all so tired tonight that we are going to bed early, so you will have to wait until tomorrow to hear more about Valdez.

Here are some pictures that Jim took when we stopped at the rest areas.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


It took us 5 1/2 hours to drive the 140 miles today from Discovery Yukon to Tok, Alaska. What a terrible road. No one will ever complain about our roads in California again. The first thirty miles began with wash board gravel roads, frost heaves, and potholes the size of a German Shepherd. And it never really got any better until we crossed the border into Alaska. If you’re a doggie that gets motion sickness don’t take this road. Good thing I didn’t get sick, but I sure wasn’t happy at all today.

We stopped several times for short breaks. And our Jeep did the death wobble twice. It worked out fine with no damage, but it sure was nerve racking. We crossed the border and were treated very well this time by the customs officer. He actually told us that he didn’t believe in taking our food since it was such a remote area, and that food was difficult to replace. Great, besides my dog food all we had was an apple and a bag of carrots.

The highway for the first 30 or more miles past the border was terrific. Freshly paved and smooth, there were even wide rest areas with bathrooms and picnic tables. That didn’t last too long before we were back to gravel and potholes the rest of the way into Tok. Everyone was happy to reach the Tok RV Village.

The campground here is very nice. Full hookups and 50amp power for a change. The most famous place here is “Fast Eddys” Restaurant. After a hard day’s driving the humans were happy to have someone else to do the cooking. We are only here for one night. Tomorrow, we drive all the way to Valdez, Alaska. The road is supposed to be paved, we shall see.

Saturday, July 13, 2024



It’s our last day here at Discovery Yukon and another peaceful day. It’s been a little windy and we have had a couple of rainy nights, but we really enjoyed our long stay here. One of the most unusual things about this RV park is the fact that our power has been provided totally by large generators.  Twice each day they change generators, and the power goes a little crazy for a few minutes while they switch over. It’s so remote here that they haven’t extended the power poles to this area. Due to the frequency of the generators the time on the electric clocks is always wrong. Time speeds when you are having fun.

Today all three of us doggies got a bath. I must say we are beautiful. We’ve been lucky at the previous parks where there was limited water and no sewer hookups, so no one wanted to waste the water bathing dogs. I actually didn’t mind it too much as I was really kind of scruffy. Here’s a picture of the three of us in the wagon after our baths. Yes, that’s my boyfriend Gianni kissing me. Bella wasn’t too happy about that.

Not much to do today so Kathy T brought out her kites to fly them on the runway. Warren and Jim also tried to fly one, but the wind was gusty and kept changing direction.

Tomorrow we will cross the border again and enter Tok, Alaska. This time we are prepared. We have pretty much cleaned out the refrigerator in expectation of the agricultural inspection. No fruit or vegetables except for one lime and a few carrots. Have to leave something for them to take, so they can do their job.

Friday, July 12, 2024


Kathy and Warren set up the She Shed yesterday between the rain drops. We all enjoyed spending time together inside and away from the bugs. Last night, right after Kathe and I took the last walk before bedtime, tiny rain drops fell and we ran back into the motor home. Just in time to miss a torrential downpour and winds that practically blew the She Shed over. Such a violent storm. We thought that the slide toppers would blow away or rip.  Just as soon as it began, it was over as if nothing happened. Just a little repair to the She Shed and we were back in business today.

There really is NOTHING to do here except relax. Taking walks around the RV park, reading and playing cards and computer games. Of course, I’m up for the naps but none of that other stuff. And the eating and drinking. Here are a couple of pictures that I took of Gianni and Lady Bella and the humans enjoying cocktails and nachos tonight.

Warren made tacos and enchiladas for dinner and Kathy T made pink margaritas! Just water and dog food for me. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Not much to do here so the humans decided on an excursion to Buckshot Betty’s Restaurant in Beaver Creek for lunch today. The drive was about 30 miles on a mostly gravel stretch of the Alcan highway.

There wasn’t much to see on the drive except for a few cabins hidden back away from the highway. There was a fire in this area some time ago so most of the pine trees are small or fire damaged. The meadows however were beautiful. Miles and miles of purple fireweed against the green hills.  The sun was blocked by the clouds, so it was difficult to take a photograph that shows how really pretty the area was.

Lunch at Buckshot Betty’s was not so great. All the caravans stop here, and we heard that it was supposed to be “the” place to eat in Beaver Creek. It actually is the only place to eat in Beaver Creek. Betty was having a bad day so the service as well as the food was really not worth the drive. 

This afternoon the sun was shining and the Kathies took us doggies out on the grass for play time. We watched Kathy T fly her drone on the runway. 

Just another relaxing day!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Today we woke up to cloudy skies and rain. Not to worry, we were all planning to sleep in and do nothing today.  It’s been nonstop for over a month, so it feels good to just stay in and catch up on some chores and things around the coach that needed some fixing.

First thing that needed fixing was a cabinet in the Taylor’s coach that fell off the wall. All that bouncing on the highway yesterday loosened the screws holding the cabinet to the wall. Warren had a plan this morning and with a little help from Jim he was able to fasten it back on the wall more securely. Warren also had a leak in the washing machine which turned out to be a small crack in the drain hose. He fixed it temporarily with some super glue and gorilla tape. Genius!

Jim had some chores to do today as well. Not too difficult to change the whole house water filter and the one in the fridge. Also, the handle on the bathroom faucet fell off and had to be screwed back together. Easy fix. But he did have to consult on the washing machine drain hose repair.

The Kathies took advantage of the full hookups here and did loads and loads of laundry. It’s been impossible to do more than one load at a time without sewer hookups. Now everything is clean again! Then after all the chores were done the She Shed was set up between the raindrops. Too cold and rainy tonight for pina coladas, but not too cold and to take us doggies for walks in the rain.

Here’s a picture of one of the two small planes that service the RV park. They transport guests and goods to the resort daily.  Kathe took this picture out the front windshield this morning. The grass in front of our coach serves as the runway.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


This morning we left Otter Falls (Haines Junction) in the early morning even though we had paid for two nights, one was night there was more than enough. We set out for Beaver Creek on Highway 1. The first part of the trip was beautiful. Snow covered mountains, Glaciers and meadows of wildflowers everywhere. We even saw two black bears playing in the grass. 

Unfortunately, that beautiful trip became a nightmare. Many, many miles of gravel roads and hundreds of potholes bouncing us as we drove to reach our destination. Some of the potholes and frost heaves were marked with orange flags, but many seemed to appear out of nowhere. After one particularly jarring pothole the jeep developed a terrible wobble, and we had to pull over and stop to investigate. They call that wobble the ‘death wobble’ and it could have been the end of our trip. Lucky that wasn’t the case and we continued another bumpy 40 or 50 miles until we thankfully reached our destination, Discovery Yukon Lodging.

We’re still actually 30 miles from Beaver Creek, but this RV Park is the only one for miles around. It is a beautiful park with tall pine trees and lots of grass between each site. After the hard drive today, it was wonderful to land here where we could spread out and relax. Pictures of the park tomorrow.

Tonight’s cocktail was the “Mosquito Bite” Vodka, coconut rum, cranberry juice and pineapple juice.


Monday, July 8, 2024


Not very interesting scenery today on our 96-mile journey to Otter Falls. The road was very rough with several patches of gravel and mud on this stretch of Highway 1. There were small orange flags occasionally on either side of the roadway which indicate humps or frost heaves. We do our best to go slowly when those appear, but sometimes they are not marked or they come up too soon to be helpful. Lots of rattles and shakes so we have to be careful opening cabinets and closets.  All of Kathy and Warren’s clothes ended up on the floor today.

The RV Park is really just a wide spot on the Highway with sites marked off. We are facing the highway but at least we have water and power. Checking in was interesting, my Kathe was sure we had the wrong place. When she asked about the motel and restaurant photos on the website, she was told that they haven’t changed the website in 10 years. So, no restaurant and no motel, just a gas pump and some sites with weeds. We were supposed to stay here for two nights but will move on tomorrow and stay an extra night at the next place.

They took a drive into Haines Junction to see the sights. Not much to see except this glacier. And this giant cupcake house. It’s too dark and gloomy this afternoon to get good pictures. They did find a bakery in Haines where they purchased some breakfast treats before going back to the campground. 

Don’t confuse Haines Junction with Haines, Alaska. We’ve already been there on the Ferry. Turn left at the Junction and you will be in the USA and turn right to stay in Canada to travel to Destruction Bay.

Sunday, July 7, 2024


This morning the humans planned a hike in Miles Canyon in Whitehorse. It’s a beautiful area. The canyon was formed about nine million years ago by a rush of Basaltic lava. There’s an 85-foot suspension bridge that spans the Yukon River below. The only way to hike the canyon is to first cross that bridge. Kathe put on her big girl pants and walked across by herself.  She didn’t want anyone else on the bridge with her so that it wouldn’t wobble.  As you know, she is not a fan of suspension bridges.

It was a warm and sunny day, so it was great being outside in the fresh air. Walking in the woods and not seeing any mosquitoes was great. The trail follows the Yukon River. They walked carefully on the path as it was high above the river on the edge of the cliff. There were speed boats flying down the river below. A really beautiful area for a hike. Even though they had to go back across that bridge to get back to the car it was still a great hike.

It was a special day for Jim’s birthday, he spent it doing what he loves. Hiking the trail in the morning, then a short jeep excursion to Mary Lake in the afternoon. Tonight, the humans had a champagne toast to Jim followed by a charcuterie board at the Taylor’s coach.

Dinner tonight at the gourmet food truck on site with delicious pizzas and too much wine. Even a slice of cake with candles. Jim wants me to say thank you to all of his friends and family who called and texted him to wish him happy birthday!

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Not much to report today. It’s so quiet here compared to Skagway that everyone including me slept in. After a leisurely breakfast I went back to sleep and the humans planned a morning of shopping. They were all excited when they found out that there was a Walmart here in Whitehorse. After an obligatory stop at the hardware store for more mosquito repellents they drove to the Walmart. So disappointing. It might have been a Walmart, but they didn’t have any fresh groceries. 

Next, they went to the Real Canadian SuperStore, which was supposed to be like our Costco. Nope. It was a gigantic supermarket, and it took them a very long time to find what they needed on their shopping list. So disorganized. A tiny meat department and the cheeses were in four different areas, so it was very stressful and expensive. Not anything like a Costco at all.

By the time they returned home it was almost 3:00. Late lunch and a nap were in order for me.  It was sunny and warm, so the humans sat outside in the sunshine.

Here’s a picture of the food truck here in the RV park. Really delicious food and even the people from town stop in for meals. They are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tomorrow we are planning on ordering a charcuterie board and have drinks to celebrate Jim’s birthday. Maybe Kathe will stick a candle in a wedge of cheese. 

Friday, July 5, 2024


This morning our drive started with a very steep incline over the mountains on highway 2.  Both Warren and Jim decided that we should not hook the jeeps up until we reached the summit of the mountain. The Kathies drove the jeeps and followed Jim and Warren up the grade until we hooked back up for the rest of the drive. The road was beautiful. There were many so many lakes and mountains along the way. Even with the time change we were checked into the Caribou RV Park in time for lunch. Here are a couple of pictures from the drive today.

I’m not feeling very tip-top today. I’ve got a tummy ache and didn’t eat anything yesterday, and I slept for 12 hours straight. Kathe gave me that horrible tasting pill and some brown rice with chicken for lunch and I’m feeling a little better but still sleepy.

The Caribou Park is okay, we’re kinda packed in like sardines and without Warrens help we wouldn’t have been able to open all of our slide outs. It took two tries but we’re all good for the next three nights. There are lots of trees and the sun is shining.  No mosquitos so far.

There’s a gourmet food truck here for dinner and they serve cocktails. The Kathies had limoncello spritzers.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Thankfully the fireworks here were a dud. They shot them off last night at about midnight (on the third of July) and they were just loud booms that even a deaf dog could hear. The actual fireworks lasted about five minutes. No one here even looked out the window. I don’t know if I mentioned that we only have about three hours of darkness each day. It stays light till after midnight, and it is light again by three of four in the morning. Guess we really are in the land of the Midnight Sun. 

This morning after breakfast my humans and about 15,000 cruise passengers went into town to watch the Fourth of July parade. It was a lot of fun. The parade started off with a steam locomotive puffing smoke and blaring the loudest horn imaginable. That was followed by numerous “floats” from practically every business in town. Really creative costumes and trucks decorated for the holiday and local kids throwing candy everywhere. A real hometown parade.

This is our last night here in Skagway and tomorrow we will head to Whitehorse, back into the Yukon Territory. It’s been really nice here, so cool and windy that we never saw a mosquito in five days.

This evening apparently the cocktail moratorium has ended with Kathy T making a red, white and blue cocktail. Vanilla vodka, grenadine and blue curaçao. Warren made his delicious, barbecued ribs, twice baked potatoes and a panna cotta for dessert. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024



I think I mentioned that we would have to move to a different site today because we didn’t fit in the one we were first assigned to. We spent the first three nights in one site and this morning they found another site for us. So, first thing in the morning we brought in the slides, unhooked, and moved across the park to a new site for the next two nights. On the way, Jim stopped at the sanitary dump so we would have empty holding tanks. Kathe decided that was the perfect time to give me a bath. When we have to be careful about our water usage I get a free ride in the bath department. Not so today. This is a view from our new site.

This afternoon was a great day for exploring the area. It’s so cold and windy that a road trip sounded like a good idea.  First, they drove up into Canada to take pictures and to walk across the Yukon Suspension Bridge, a 200-foot bridge across the Tutshi River Canyon. No pictures of that because my Kathe stayed in the gift shop while the others walked across the bridge.

On the way back down the mountain pass they stopped to take pictures of this waterfall and also stopped at some of the overlook places where we saw the tour buses stopping.

Kathy T wanted to see the historic area of Dyea, Alaska. They drove about six miles on a gravel and dirt road following many cruise ship tour busses until they reach the former ”boom town” that catered to the miners of the Klondike gold rush. There was massive snow slide in 1898 followed by a forest fire in 1899. Most of the inhabitants drifted away leaving the area a ghost town.

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, fireworks tonight after all the cruise ships leave, and a parade and lots of festivities in town tomorrow.