Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Much better weather today! The sun is shining, and the wind has stopped. It's almost 65 degrees out and everyone is breathing a sigh of relief. All of the guys went to seminars this morning. Jim and Warren went to back-to-back classes. Learning about the Allison transmissions and HWH leveling systems. Kathe and I stayed home and relaxed. 

At about 12:30 a whole bunch of humans decided to take an off-road trip and explore the Pilot Butte Wild Horse Scenic Loop. They drove the 24-mile gravel loop looking for the wild horses that are living in the canyon. The area is managed by BLM, and it was wild, with sage brush and beautiful wildflowers along the road. At first the only wildlife they spotted were some antelope. They kept going down various side dirt roads until they finally spotted some horses. There are supposed to be about 250 horses running free here and they were very happy to find 5 of them. 

There were also many scenic overlooks along the drive providing the opportunity to see some really interesting features of Wyoming. Here is a picture of the Pilot Butte. Some day we may come back to this area for a second look.

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