Tuesday, June 28, 2022


That's right, there are only two things to do here in Big Timber. Naturally, they did both of them today!

First up was the Natural Bridge and Falls Scenic Area in the Gallatin National Forest. As you know, we are camped on the Boulder River, and the Falls was about 20 miles upriver. It was a wild and beautiful waterfall. They hiked across a bridge and up the trail about 1/4 of a mile to take pictures. At one time there was a natural rock bridge across the river, but it collapsed and now the water disappears under the limestone and flows out on the other side of the rocks. With the recent storms it was really a fantastic sight. After the hike they took a jeep trail up into the Gallatin Forest looking for animals. No animals, just some really beautiful vacation homes.
The second excursion of the day was a trip to Prairie Dog State Park. Yes, there is a State Park here in Montana just for the prairie dog. It was fun but very difficult to take pictures. 

There were lots of them running around, but as soon as they heard my humans, they started barking a warning and went running underground. This was Kathe's best picture!

Right now, we are having a thunderstorm its dark and gloomy, hopefully it will clear up soon so Jim can cook the hamburgers. Tomorrow, we move on to Great Falls. 

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