Saturday, June 11, 2022


I'm feeling a little better today, still don't feel like eating anything but grass.  I'm definitely on the mend. Maybe some chicken and rice for dinner?

We had another long driving day.  All four coaches left at about the same time, but everyone traveled at their own speed.  We followed lead-foot Kathy Taylor at about 64 MPH all day. We still weren't the first ones to arrive at the KOA in Springville because we had to stop for fuel on the way. Everyone is here now, and we are scattered all around the place.  It took forever for us to get set up only to find that we had a broken water pipe and a big mud puddle. Then we had to move to another site. 

This is not the most scenic RV park we've ever stayed in. There is a train track on one side of the park, a farm full of cows on another side, and the I-15 freeway in back of us. At least we aren't in the mud puddle anymore. Good thing I can't hear a thing, I might be the only one who gets a good night's rest. If you enlarge this picture, you can see lots of cows under the shady tree.

We are only here for the one night, so no complaining! 

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