Tuesday, June 14, 2022


All I can say about today is that this afternoon it is a tiny bit less windy than it was yesterday. Not so this morning. And last night was horrible. It was so windy that the slide toppers were banging and then it started raining. When I took Kathe out this morning at about 6AM the rain had stopped, but the wind was so intense that I could hardly stay upright. Not to mention that any of the doggie smells that I needed to find seemed to have blown away in the night. Kathe kept telling me to hurry up, but it took me a really long time before we could go back to the warm coach. Finally, we both went back to sleep for a couple of more hours.

The wind continued most of the day, so Kathe and I stayed in while Jim went to a couple of interesting seminars. Kathe started a new needlepoint project and did some wash, but I just curled up on her down jacket and slept. In the afternoon the sun came out and the winds slowed down enough for them to go to explore the new coach displays. Tonight, there is an ABBA concert in the main tent. Some people are looking forward to that!   


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