Friday, June 17, 2022


This is our last day here in Rock Springs. There were still a couple more seminars that Kathe and Jim wanted to attend. Jim took a class on common RV problems, and Kathe took one on tips and tricks for making the best use of storage space. There is always something they want to learn.

After lunch it was time for another off-road adventure. Poor Jim, he just got the jeep washed after the last adventure and now it's all dirty again.

There are some petroglyphs about 17 miles out of Rock Springs. There really wasn't much information about this area, but they followed the BLM signs and drove a well-travelled dirt road to the site. They walked about a mile up to a mountain to find the petroglyphs. It was very disappointing to find that much of the art was defaced by vandals. Kathe took some photos, but many of the petroglyphs were painted with white lines. Very sad.

Tomorrow morning should be very interesting. We are leaving the Fairgrounds along with more than 600 other very large motorhomes. There are only 3 exit gates, and we are expecting a huge traffic jam. We are heading to Thermopolis, Wyoming for 2 nights. 

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