Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Sorry about last night, I completely forgot to blog! It wasn't a very exciting day, anyway. We drove most of the day and checked into the Las Vegas Oasis RV Resort. Then we just about melted in the heat. It's about 107 here and it feels like an oven to me.

Yesterday was the day that all of the humans realized what they forgot to bring. Hard to believe that they left anything home with all the junk they piled into the coach the last few days. Kathe forgot her vitamins but remembered mine! Warren forgot his electric razor. Luckily there are few stores in Las Vegas, and of course they all love shopping. 

Today was a little more exciting, they drove to the Hoover Dam. It's been a while, last time Jim had been there was when he was in Boy Scouts. Kathe had never been there.  The tour was very interesting, they got to go into the tunnels beneath the dam. They went so far underground that the temperature was 70 degrees. Wish I could have gone with them.

Right now, they are getting ready to go to Cesars Palace for some gambling and dinner. Tomorrow we leave for Cedar Breaks National Park, I sure hope it's cooler there.  

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