Saturday, June 18, 2022


We started off this morning right on time. No problems, and no traffic leaving the Sweetwater Complex. Our first stop was the Flying J for some diesel fuel before the long drive to Thermopolis. The station was crowded with big rigs, and it took a long time for our turn to fuel. Jim happened to walk behind the coach and found that the weld on our double bicycle hitch had broken. It was on the ground and the bikes were leaning against the Jeep. This was very bad situation! Kathe, Jim and Warren rushed out and unhitched the car from the motorhome, the bicycles from rack, and pulled the bike rack and the tow bar off of the broken hitch. What a production. All this while the big rigs were trying to fuel up in the bays behind us. Next, they attached a shorter hitch to the car, remounted the bike rack, loaded the bikes, and attached the tow bar and the Jeep to the motor home. By this time, it was noon. Everything worked out, but our early start was history. 

Once we got on the road again, the drive was awesome. Beautiful prairie for the first hundred miles, then some very steep canyons with red rocks. As we approached the town of Riverton, Wyoming we drove for miles along a river with steep mountains on either side of the highway. We were so engrossed with the scenery that we missed the turn off for the RV Park. At last, we are checked in, hooked up and starting to relax. 

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