Thursday, June 9, 2022


It was a long drive today, but totally worth it. We left Las Vegas, Nevada at about 10:00 AM and arrived here at Cedar City around 3:00. We drove through Arizona into Utah and are now camped at a nice shady RV park with lots of green grass to roll in. The temperature is cooler here, and so cool that we might not even need the air conditioning tonight.

We lost an hour with the time change. So, it was really 4:00 and time for my dinner. By the time I finished my dinner, all of the couples gathered their chairs in a circle on the grass.  Time for cocktails! There are now 3 Kathie's traveling to the rally. There is Kathy T, Kathy H, and my Kathe S. Hope I can tell them apart.

Kathe took this picture while we were driving through a very steep canyon this afternoon. That's Warren and Kathy's coach in front of us. It was a magnificent canyon, which seemed to go on forever.

We are staying here for 2 nights. Tomorrow there are plans for a hike in Cedar Breaks National Park and maybe a trip to see some petroglyphs in the surrounding mountains. Me, I'm going to enjoy the beautiful green grass under a shady tree at the campsite.

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