Sunday, June 19, 2022


Really busy day today. Who knew there were so many interesting things to do here in the Thermopolis area? Our morning was taken up with chores, laundry and then a bath for me, but by early afternoon the humans were ready to explore the area. Kathe took me for a walk in the sunshine to dry my fur, so I was content to stay home while they went out.

Today the first destination was Wyoming Dinosaur Center and Dig Site. Over 15,000 dinosaur bones have been found in this area of Wyoming. Ranchers are discovering fossils from 150 million ago. This picture is of a Camarasaurus that was excavated in 1993 here in Wyoming.  There were many other fossils on display. Paleontologists from all over the world come here to see the specimens that are here.

Later in the afternoon they traveled about 20 miles out of town to the Legend Rock State Archaeological Site. Here they walked about a third of a mile to see 17 different petroglyph panels. There are at least 283 glyphs on 92 rock panels that date back 10,000 years.  The area is administered by personnel from Hot Springs State Park to discourage vandalism. There was a helpful brochure to help discover what each of the drawings represented.

Weather here is great, hopefully tomorrow they can visit the natural hot springs.

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