Monday, June 13, 2022


We are finally here in Rock Springs, and it is WINDY! It's so windy that no one, including me wants to go outside. It's blowing so hard that the motor home is rocking. It's 47 degrees right now and with the wind chill it feels like it's below zero. Even my fur coat isn't warm enough. I guess I was wishing for cooler weather too hard, now I'm wishing to see the sunshine again.

There are over 600 motorhomes here. We came in this morning, and it took over an hour to get parked in our spot. We are at the farthest possible space away from all the action. Don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. The dog park is miles away but there is a nice open space near us if I don't get blown away trying to get there. We will make the best of the situation. 

We just found out that all roads into to Yellowstone National Park are closed due to excessive rain and flooding.  The pictures of it on the internet look terrible. I guess the Kathies will have to make some changes to our plans.

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