Sunday, June 12, 2022


What's new? Another long driving day. Today we drove from Utah into Wyoming. We're almost to Rock Springs, but tonight we are camped in Lyman, Wyoming. We drove out of Springvale on highway 189 and skipped the I-15 so that we could drive the scenic route to I-80. We climbed up and down the mountains, passing several beautiful lakes. We could see snow-capped mountains in the distance, even though it was 90 degrees outside. The road was very curvy and several times we had strong winds through the passes. The I-80 actually follows the Mormon Historic National Trail, and it's hard to believe that they climbed these mountains with hand carts. We had enough trouble in our motorhome.

Lyman, Wyoming isn't much of destination, so it's a good thing we are only here for the night. I am enjoying the open space here for my walks, but I have to watch out for the sticker bushes that get stuck in my fur. Kathe pulled a foot long blackberry stick out from under my legs and got the stickers in her fingers. Ouch!  We are being much more careful where we walk now.

Tomorrow morning, we are driving the last 70 miles to Rock Springs and plan to arrive at 9:00 AM. It's my job to wake everybody up early. I'm very good at that.

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