Wednesday, June 29, 2022


So, the drive was great. There were some strong gusts of wind but nothing we couldn't handle. Lots and lots of green fields and hundreds of cattle. A short stop for some road work, but we made the trip in abut 4 hours. 

This RV Park is called Dick's RV Park, and it's nothing to write home about, so I won't.

Here's a picture that Kathe took as we were leaving the Spring Creek Campground. Last night we had three different thunderstorms. The first one came just about the time Jim was cooking the hamburgers. Dinner was fine but everything else got soaked. The second one came as I was taking my last walk around the park before bedtime, and I took my sweet time going inside. Rainwater is good for the fur. Finally, at about 10PM we had thunder and lightning and lots of rain for a long time. I slept through it of course, but Gianni and Bella kept the Taylors up for hours.

We are in Great Falls for 2 nights; Kathe promised me that tomorrow there will be something to write about.

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