Monday, July 20, 2020


Hard day today. We drove five hours, most of the way on State Highway 2. It took forever because there were so many areas of the road under construction. Many parts of the roadway were only one way, with a flagman holding up traffic. It seemed like we were stopped waiting more than we
were driving on the highway.

Add to that the fact that we got a rock chip on our windshield first thing this morning, had a malfunction indication light on the dashboard, and had to stop to deflate one of the tires that was becoming over inflated due to the excessive heat. And, we had to stop once for Gianni who had a little problem with his blood sugar. He is much better now, but Kathy and Warren have to monitor his sugar levels to keep him well.

Oh, did I mention that it was 103 today at 4:30 when we finally arrived in Leavenworth, WA. And I have my fur coat on!

It really was a tough day, but I'm not complaining! Much! Anyway here's a picture out of our front window of the Icicle River. We are parked right on the edge of the cliff. A great place to stay for the next 3 days. Like I said, it was worth the drive.

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