Friday, July 17, 2020


It was a little foggy early this morning, but the sun came out by 9:00. It looked like everyone was going to go for a bike ride, but that fizzled out pretty quickly. After a second cup of coffee for the  humans and another stroll around the campground for me, today's plan turned into a scenic drive of Whidbey Island. There are several little towns, and attractions all down the Island. We are staying at the northern most tip of Whidbey, so there was a lot more to see.

First, they went out on the western coast of the Island to see the coast and view the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The beach was deserted and they were able to walk the beach and breathe some fresh air.

There was a bakery that the Taylors remembered in the little town of Coupeville that was next on the agenda. The bakery was open for take-out and serving delicious sandwiches. After a little window shopping and a walk on the pier they headed back out to coast.

Kathe wanted to see the Admiralty Head
Lighthouse and the guys wanted to stop at Fort Worden Historical State Park. Here is a picture of the Lighthouse, but there were so many kids climbing all over the fort that a picture wasn't possible!

Update on Gianni, he's feeling a little better. He has to stay overnight again in the hospital and we are all hoping that he will be able to come home soon.

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