Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Another hot day here in Leavenworth. You've heard of a 3 dog night, well this is a 3 air conditioner day. I got cooled off this morning with my weekly bath in the sink, but Kathe spoiled all that with the hair dryer. I think I look okay now, but there is so much dust here it won't last long. I went for a walk with Gianni and Lady Bella this morning and I'm happy to report that Gainni is tip top once again. I called him, "poodle leg", this morning because they shaved one leg just like a poodle when he had the IV in the hospital. Poor guy, he has to wear a glucose monitor on his chest for 10 days too. But we're just so happy to have him back again that we can't stop wagging our tails.

The humans took a drive to the town of Cashmere this afternoon while we doggies stayed home in the air conditioning. Cashmere is known for two things and they enjoyed both of them today.

First, the town is the home of the Liberty Orchard Company, the maker of the Aplets and Cotlets candy. Even with the pandemic they were still able to take a guided tour of the factory which has been producing the famous candy for 100 years. It was a private tour, just the four of them and the guide. It was very interesting, and after the tour they got to sample the candies. Of course they went shopping and bought some treats to take home.

After the candy, it was time for lunch around the corner at Country Boys Barbecue. See that pig? That's what happens when you visit that place, the food is so good that you make a pig of yourself! Even the pig wears a mask.

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