Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Here's the tip of the day-when you are very hot, lay down on the tile floor and make everyone step over you. Do not move until they offer you some food. It works! It was still in the high nineties today and Jim had all 3 air conditioners blasting all day.

I'm going to make this short, the internet here is terrible and I'm having a hard time getting my blog done.  Even my pictures are having a hard time traveling from Kathe's phone to my computer. Today there will be only one picture, if I can even get that downloaded.

It's my guess that people must come here to get away from it all, because even with cell phone boosters and hot spots galore no one seems to be able to get a strong signal. And the Park WIFI is a joke! Maybe all the people here just sit around relaxing and talking to each other.

Anyway, today all the humans went into the little Bavarian town to do some shopping. The Kathies spent time in the Christmas store and the Nutcracker Museum while the guys seemed to be interested in the sporting goods store and the German restaurants. They brought home some food from Ludwig's. There was enough food to feed the German army. Warren and Jim had to have the specialty, Schweinshax'n, while the Kathies ate Chicken Schnitzel.

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